Happy New Year

I wish you all the best, and would like to pay my respects to the following blogs, and beg the pardon of any acquaintances  I may have failed to list.

This is the best of the blogs, new and old, but with a particular focus on new arrivals over the period 2007-2008.  Good fellow travelling.

Art blogs

Since in the early 21st century, art blogs have cropped up around the world to add their voices to the art world. Some notable blogs include BibliOdyssey, A Journey Round My Skull, At Her Discretion, Femme Femme Femme, Hugo Strikes Back, ponyXpress, John Coulthart‘s Feuilleton, Bright Stupid Confetti and Adventures in the Print Trade.

Il Giornale Nuovo was one of the most renowned but has been defunct since 2007.

Lit blogs

Litblogs of note include De Papieren Man (Dutch), The Existence Machine, This Space, The Reading Experience, Tales from the Reading Room, Bookride, Livros de Areia, Pimenta negra and Moleskine Literario.

Film blogs

Good film blogs include Elusive Lucidity (Zach Campbell), Esotika Erotica Psychotica, Flickhead, Tim Lucas, Girish, Moon in the Gutter and  Cinebeats.

Music blogs

Good music blogs include On The Wire, Simon Reynolds, Woebot (2002-2007), Down With Tunes, Mutant Sounds and Alain Finkielkrautrock.

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