Principles of an aesthetics of death

Principes d’une esthétique de la mort by Michel Guiomar

And just when you think you’ve seen everything, a book manages to come out of nowhere and amaze you. Today, at the Antwerp book store Demian, I bought Principes d’une esthétique de la mort, les modes de présences, les présences immédiates, le seuil de l’Au-delà, a book essay by French writer Michel Guiomar, published in 1967 by French cult publisher José Corti. The book has not been translated to English, a possible translation of the title is Principles of an aesthetics of death. The book extensively references jahsonic favourite Gaston Bachelard.

4 thoughts on “Principles of an aesthetics of death

  1. Vedran

    It’s odd that in “Le double” Dostojevski’s “The Double” isn’t mentioned. For it is an excellent example of a double that appears to be real but is actually psychologic.

    By the way: Is there something wrong with the layout? Or is it me?

  2. jahsonic

    In general, William Wilson is held in higher regard then St. Peterburg, a Poem. William Wilson was earlier too, perhaps that is the reason.

    I see nothing wrong with the layout. Does the problem persist?


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