Category Archives: eroticism

Robert Benayoun


Robert Benayoun, photocredit unidentified
Image source here

Érotique du surréalisme (1965|1978) – Robert Benayoun
[FR] [DE] [UK]

Robert Benayoun wrote in the tradition of Ado Kyrou, Eric Losfeld, Joseph-Marie Lo Duca and Jean-Pierre Bouyxou, with an absolute disregard for the perceived boundaries between low and high culture. If you follow the source link of the photograph, there is a Spanish article on Benayoun’s work Érotique du surréalisme.

Regarding the publishing house of Eric Losfeld, Éditions Le Terrain Vague, I’ve always wondered if there were German and British equivalents of it. In the United States houses such as Grove Press come to mind, but I know of no equivalents in Germany or the UK.

Blind Beast

Blind Beast (1969) – Yasuzo Masumura

[] [FR] [DE] [UK]


Dadanoias has a video excerpt of the 1969 film Blind Beast, which I recently had the pleasure of seeing at the Brussels Arenberg cinemas.

I cannot recommend the whole film, but the first 15 minutes are beautiful (the gallery scene, the first scene in the warehouse with the sculptures of the body parts). The entire middle sequence is boring. The final scene is hilariously and grotesquely entertaining. The scene that Dadanoias has found (via El Blog Rarito) is from the end of the first 15 minutes, where the blind sculptor is trying to catch the girl in vain). Note the music by Hikaru Hayashi. The film is based on a novel by Japanese mystery writer Edogawa Ranpo.