Category Archives: fiction

Useful violence?

Just saw V for Vendetta.

It seemed as if nobody smoked cigarettes in the film, but this review says otherwise.

I enjoyed the film a lot. It reminded me of Complicity (1993) by Iain Banks.

The most memorable line wasViolence can be used for good” uttered by master kriminal V. It struck me in its Dutch translation “Geweld kan ook zinvol zijn.” Currently Flemish media are full of news on zinloos geweld (gratuitous violence). So I am always wondering about its opposite: zinvol geweld (necessary or useful violence). V says violence can be good for justice.

Most memorable songs are Cry me a river and Street Fighting Man.

Rating: psychological realism 3/10, cult value 6/10, feelgood factor 9/10

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Features Tchaikovsky’s piece the 1812 Overture.

For full analyses of the film see K-punk and Steven Shaviro.