Girish on Archiveology

I know the blogosphere values currency, so as a small gesture against our impulse to only highlight the links du jour, I’m starting up a new feature called Archiveology devoted to unearthing valuable writing on the web that is not brand new. Today: an homage to five voracious [what a lovely word, it is also featured in V’s opening speech in V for Vendetta] cinephiles whose curiosity, open-mindedness, energy, intelligence and appetite I find truly inspirational. Reading them is like catching a bug that galvanizes me: to watch more, read more, think more, write more. Now to share that bug with you—in alphabetical order: —Girish

Girish then highlights the work of the following cinephiles: Zach Campbell, Raymond Durgnat, Adrian Martin, Olaf Möller and Michael Sicinski.

I could not agree more with Girish’s post (see The past is a much bigger place than the present)