4 thoughts on “Introducing Laurie Simmons

  1. jahsonic

    Thanks for the Duelle link (I think that is what you meant). I’m not sure if I will download it, I think I’ll wait, maybe I will get to see the film on péllicule.

    The Simmons case is interesting, Walking Gun and some of her older work such as this is reminiscent of Les Krims’s Heavy Feminist with Wedding Cake (1970) and the more recent work is interesting because of its flatness which does not appear that flat at first sight. Clearly an artist with sympathies for the grotesque sensibility.


  2. Gautam

    Actually, I was refering to the concept of ‘adopting a film’- I find it very fascinating- also its great you’ve found the Duelle link, I would’ve downloaded it myself if it wasn’t for my lack of patience with torrent downloads (internet in India is still very slow).

    Thanks for ‘Heavy Feminist with Wedding Cake’, I find it very clever and somehow slightly humourous.

  3. jahsonic


    The Les Krims thing is very funny, I laughed out loud when I found it. And yes, the concept of adopting a film is clever, and cleverly bullet-pointed in the blog you mention.


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