Tag Archives: Male Fantasies

Public domain images from ‘Male Fantasies’ (1977/78)

I recently purchased the two volumes of Male Fantasies (1977/78). It’s a weird work. It is a psychoanalytic portrait of the German Nazi soldier and a classic in the field of right-wing/fascist ideology. The book is full of illustrations. I decided to upload the ones that are in the public domain.

The books are profusely illustrated with material varying from Grandville to Poitevin, from Crumb to Hergé and Donald Duck and from Nazi propaganda to 18th century satirotica.

I bought this book following my reading of Langs de afgrond van Heumakers, Le sec et l’humide by Littell (for which Klaus Theweleit, the author of Male Fantasies wrote the afterword) and Radicaal-rechtse seks, a recent Dutch language study on alt-right sexual morality.

Also, a couple of plates from Une semaine de bonté and work by Lucien Coutaud.