Case #1

Unidentified English language edition of Psychopathia Sexualis (1886)
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Psychopathia Sexualis (1886) – Richard Von Krafft-Ebing [] [FR] [DE] [UK]

Case #1: J. René, always given to indulgence in sensuality and sexual pleasures, but always with regard for decorum, had shown, since his seventy-sixth year, a progressive loss of intelligence and increasing perversion of his moral sense. Previously bright and outwardly moral, he now wasted his property in concourse with prostitutes, frequented brothels only, asked every woman on the street to marry him or allow coitus, and thus became publicly so obnoxious that it was necessary to place him in an asylum. There the sexual excitement increased to a veritable satyriasis, which lasted until he died. He masturbated continuously, even before others; took delight only in obscene ideas; thought the men about him were women, and followed them with indecent proposals (Legrand du Saulle, “La Folie,” p. 533).

Moreover, women previously moral, when affected with senile dementia, may manifest similar conditions of great sexual excitement (nymphomania, furor uterinus).

It may be seen from a reading of Schopenhauer (Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung) that, as a result of senile dementia, the abnormally excited and perverse instinct may be directed exclusively to persons of the same sex. Gratification is obtained by passive pederasty, or, as I ascertained in the following case, by mutual masturbation —Psychopathia Sexualis