Elsewhere #3

  1. Quick Study:

    The English translation of Anti-Oedipus appeared in 1977. By a total coincidence — one that is really not much of a coincidence at all — so did (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction

  2. DC’s: Insidetheroar presents … Funk Day

    * “Betty Davis is the funk,” says poet and rapper Saul Williams. “It’s not just that she’s sexy and the music is sexy, but she’s just so in the pocket! The notes she chose, the placement, to be able to dance around the music. Man, she killed that shit.”

  3. Pruned: Brodsky & Utkin

    For this slow, languorous Midwestern autumn Sunday, here are some Soviet Glasnost neoavant-garde paper architecture by Brodsky & Utkin.

  4. xupacabras: Hommage a Balthus

    Foto de Alexandre Maller

  5. Ein Hungerkünstler

    An Illustration for Kafka’s Ein Hungerkünstler (A Hunger Artist) by Andrzej Ploski, circa 1983,