Informe, abjection and Robert Gober

Happy birthday Robert Gober. Google gallery.

I have found 35 useful sources for the informe, the abject, and religious purity, which tend to be related in current discourse. These terms are often seen as variations on a theme but should be considered as quite separate according to Rosalind Krauss (see October Winter 1993 and Krauss, 1997).

Three theorists appear in this discourse: Georges Bataile, Julia Kristeva, and Judith Butler.

The artists that have been associated with the informe, the abject, and the grotesque include Fontana, Joel-Peter Witkin, Robert Gober, John Miller, David Hammons, Cindy Sherman, Kiki Smith, Paul McCarthy, Mike Kelley and David Lynch. [1]

2 thoughts on “Informe, abjection and Robert Gober

  1. nursemyra

    I love the work of Robert Gober.

    I don’t know if you read my recent post on the death of my beloved Stephen but his amazing artwork referenced Gober also.

  2. jahsonic

    Dear Emyra,

    Yes, I read your post on Stephen. Once again, my deepest sympathies. May you find consolation in all the art that surrounds you.


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