Anton van Dalen is a Dutch illustrator residing in the United States. He was during a period of 30 years the “secret” assistent to Saul Steinberg. His style is unique but reminds of Bracelli‘s work in the 17th century and its somewhat distanced pov feels a bit like Glen Baxter‘s absurd illustrations.
Here is a set of motor vehicle impressions via Bibliodyssey: [1] [2] [3] [4]
Bibliodyssey brought this set to my attention, if you are not already subscribing to his feed, you should. Since the demise of Il Giornale Nuovo, Bibliodyssey is the best hang-out for your daily dose of vintage visual culture.
For those of you unfamiliar with Bracelli’s work here is an example of his proto-surrealism:
From the Bizzarie di varie figure (1624) by Giovanni Battista Braccelli
Thank you, i didn’t heard about him before. Seems very interesting!