Mihály Zichy @180

Artwork by Mihály Zichy (1827 – 1906)
Image sourced here.

Mihály Zichy (October 15 1827 in Zala, Hungary; February 28 1906 in St. Petersburg) was a Hungarian painter and graphic artist, best remembered today for the erotic pencil drawings in his X portfolio.

He was born 180 years ago today.

His Google gallery

He is not to be confused with “Count” Thedore Zichy:

Unidentified leg photograph

Theodore Zichy is one of the more enigmatic figures in the world of erotomania. All I found is on his page. I’m quite sure he was not a professional photographer, the photo depicted above is the only one I know of, and I can’t even remember where I sourced it. If anyone knows more, please fill me in.

Update: I found more myself. His autobio is That Was No Gentleman, That Was Zichy, London, Polybooks 1974. ISBN 0284985619. And some more photos: (prices range from 500 USD, to 1,000 USD, all gelatine prints): Shoes on a pillow, 1948, Woman and idol, 1948 and Nude with mask, 1948.


2 thoughts on “Mihály Zichy @180

  1. sarah williams

    My Aunt Eve was Zichys girlfriend during the war. She was an actress and dancer, with fantastic legs of course. My father who is now 88 and ailing, told me stories about him and his book which he wrote to raise funds during the 70’s. He got through 3 inherited fortunes and had worked for the secret service. His name I just casually typed into goggle which gave me some results my next plan is to fine a copy of his book.
    thank you for providing me with your research, it was treat to find he did exist.
    sarah williams

  2. andrew davies

    Dear Sarah,

    I am currently writing a piece about Count Zichy and would love to find out a few more things about this very interesting man.

    If there is any chance you have any more info on him please don’t hesitate to contact me amdavies46@gmail.com.


    Andrew Davies

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