Strange things happening in Holland

First Pim Fortuyn was assassinated for his anti-immigration positions during the 2002 elections.

In 2004 Theo van Gogh is killed because he consistently referred to Muslim community as geitenneukers (goat-fuckers).

Now Dutch politician Geert Wilders is making an anti-Islam film, and he literally says that Islamic culture is a retarded culture Youtube. Why would anyone do something like that?

I know that The Netherlands have a very long tradition in candidness and open-mindedness, as well as being staunch defenders of freedom of speech; but I live in the vicinity of their country and I feel that they are threatening my safety.

The Netherlands have installed the terrorist-alarm on the all but one highest level because Fitna, the new film by Geert Wilders is about to be aired.

I do not wish to return to the Baader-Meinhoff climate of the seventies I grew up in, nor want another 9/11 scenario.

8 thoughts on “Strange things happening in Holland

  1. Valter

    In the Wiki you refer to Wilders as liberal. I suggest you change that to ‘far-right’. Wilders gives me the creeps…

  2. erixx

    “I suggest you change that to ‘far-right’.”

    I suggest you don’t. He is a right wing politician, but by no means far-right. And btw: Wilders is not threatening anyone. He is just airing a movie about the atrocious commandments that can be found in the koran. The only people who are threatening anyone are the muslims that think violence solves something.

    Don’t get me wrong, i am not a supporter of Wilders, but he is doing nothing wrong by showing the violent nature of the koran and islam. If there are any muslims who do not practice violence, it is in spite of the koran rather then because of it.

  3. jahsonic

    I object to Wilders’s vocabulary: I’ve never seen a conflict resolved by calling the adversary “retarded”; same with van Gogh, he should not have called the adversary goat fuckers, I have no sympathy for that.

  4. erixx

    ANY believe system cannot be called anything else then retarded. It may not be to your personal liking, but that does not for one moment mean that his remark is untrue.

    Furthermore; calling anyone retarded can never warrant the use of violence or even uttering a single threat in that direction.

    One can say many things about Wilders, but one can not say he deserves to live under continuous protection in fear of his LIFE.

    Furthermore, you will have to realize that the conclusion of your article is fatally flawed in many ways:

    “In 2004 Theo van Gogh is killed because he consistently referred to Muslim community as geitenneukers (goat-fuckers).”

    Untrue. The use of the word goat-fucker can — and should — NEVER be
    regarded as a valid reason to get yourself killed. It is EXACTLY this kind of flawed reasoning that will get us in a position where the smallest utterance of disagreement with any religion WILL get us killed.

    “The Netherlands have installed the terrorist-alarm on the all but one highest level because Fitna,”

    Untrue. It is not because of Fitna. It is because people think that any so called insult validates the use of violence. Even before the insult has been made! Noone has seen Fitna yet, apart from Wilders and his co-workers.

    “I do not wish to return to the Baader-Meinhoff climate of the seventies I grew up in, nor want another 9/11 scenario.”

    Fitna will not be the cause of this. 9/11 already happened. We do not need to do anything in order to be hit by terrorist attacks. That is exactly the point Wilders is making. The reason for 9/11, ironically, is also mainly caused by religious reasons.

    Again, i will repeat, i am not on Wilders’ side here. But the accusations and causal references people make with regards to his movie or his attitude are uncalled for and are completely false.

    PS: “First Pim Fortuyn was assassinated for his anti-immigration positions during the 2002 elections.”

    He was not assassinated because of his right-wing mentality. He was assassinated by an ultra left wing animal-protector who never made clear what his reasons were….

  5. erixx

    “In 2004 Theo van Gogh is killed because he consistently referred to Muslim community as geitenneukers (goat-fuckers).”

    Whoops, i forgot something! He was killed because of the movie submission. The actual threat directed to Ayaan Hirsi Ali was written on a piece of paper and stuck to his chest with a butchers knife.

  6. Gautam

    Wow! you did change it to ‘far-right’! It’s just fascinating to watch some people do some of the silliest of things and start world wars over it.

    Let’s hope its not ‘Satanic Verses’ again!

  7. maria

    I know its a bit later in the year still want to comment.

    Pim was not killed by ..nor was he against Muslims, this is untrue.
    Pim said a few things due to knowing what is happening in the muslim world. The opposing Pim party were not the muslims at all, most did not give a rats about the man. Those who where really against Pim, come from the financial millitary world, he was against the wasting of money for the new fighter jet, he was against paedo’philes.
    2 weeks before Pim was shot he was intevieuwed , this intervieuw was shown on TV 5 , there were 5 people, representing 5 groups within out pyramide structured society. The female representing the IMF was pissed due to pim being disrespectfull to her question insisting monye is not the highets good. One man was representing the Financial wordl was angry as well, the man representing the millitary was mega angry as well..the 5 and last one was about spirituality , Pim opened up and showed his real face.
    With this intervieuw the descicion was made to kill Pim.
    And if you people would really know something then you would know that there were 2 gunman and that the bullet did not come out of the animal activist his ‘gun’..

    Its very sick to see how the dutch people dont know what is going on in their country and how they really believe everything their government and media tells them.

    Theo same story; 2 weeks before his death Job Cohen the major of Amsterdam, was visited by a bundle of jewish minds who were angry at Theo, they insisted that something had to be done about him and insisted that Cohen would silence him up. Theo was planning the movie about what really happened with Pim, and he was planning a movie about child abuse.
    The day Theo was shot , started with some odities, at around 7:30hours there was a Van from CNN standing and waiting for something in a small street, from which one enters the big street where Theo always passed by on his bike. The man who went for Theo was standing in that same street, while 2 man where pulling his clothes thight and readying him for his big performance. When Theo came passing by the man came from that same street where the CNN bus had been standing at 7:30 in the morning, the bus had shifted its location. That same week 2 houses were cleaned out, the houses were rented by non residentials, who turned out to be Israeli.

    When it comes to how Geert wilders is when it comes to the Muslims, he knows the deal the netherlands has with some muslimheadcountries, he knows that foreign minds have bought up a lot in the netherlands, stupidly enough he thinks its them darn Arabs, while he missing the billions being pomped into the Netherlands by the Chines head famiies since 2005, in that year the dutch head families started to bring their goods, securities, bonds, financials et all to other countries, huge transactions have been made in that year, at the same time billions came in from China and India followed suit as well as Japan, even that they pulled back their money.

    Geert is correct that the netherlands is being taken over by foreigners, and rightly so, this country never was, all they have has been stolen, their culture does not exist. However its not the Muslims, they are not stupid, the waters are heading for dutchyland, or better said this country is sinking ..

    If you want to whine about the netherlands start opening your eyes ..its paedophile country ..they are your dangers not some Bader group or muslim terrorist..

    Ask yourself when is a terrorist born? when injustice goes on to long.

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