RIP Stanley Long (1933 – 2012)

From the opening credits of Naughty! (1971)

Sometimes a death escapes my attention.

This particular death escaped my attention for eight years.

Stanley Long was a British filmmaker active in what is known as exploitation cinema.

An untypical work, Naughty! (1971) is recommended for including scenes of the Wet Dream Film Festival (1970).

The film is a laudable attempt to fictionalize the history of erotica and is appears to be based on The Other Victorians (1964) which was the first book to revert the received idea of Victorian prudishness. It’s similar to way worse movies such as Sexual Freedom in Denmark (1970).

You can watch Naughty as I just did by following site: “naughty”. That ‘’ site seems interesting because it has lots of vintage erotica films from the golden age of porn.

P.S. While researching Naughty! I found out that William Levy passed away in 2019.