RIP Antonio Salines (1936 – 2021)

Antonio Salines was an Italian actor known for his parts in MonellaThe Gamecock, and Senso ’45.

He is also the devil in Liebeskonzil (1982) which is available now in a German-only bad quality YouTube version.
Liebeskonzil (1982)

Liebeskonzil (1982) is a film by Werner Schroeter, based on the scandal play The Love Council (1894) by Oskar Panizza.

The play [and the film] are set in 1495, during the first historically documented outbreak of syphilis.

It portrays the dreaded venereal disease as God’s vengeance on his sexually hyperactive human creatures, especially those surrounding Pope Alexander VI.

Panizza was charged with 93 counts of blasphemy and served his full 12-month sentence in prison.