Tag Archives: 1961

RIP Angie Stone (1961 – 2025)

Angie Stone was een Amerikaanse zangeres vooral gekend voor het voor haar geschreven nummer “Wish I Didn’t Miss You” (2001).

I can’t eat, I can’t sleep anymore
Waiting for love to walk through the door
I wish I didn’t miss you anymore

–“Wish I Didn’t Miss You” (2001)

“Wish I Didn’t Miss You” (2001)

Vertaald klinkt dat zo:

Ik eet niet meer, ik slaap niet meer
Wachtend tot de liefde door de deur komt
Ik wou dat ik je niet meer miste

–“Wish I Didn’t Miss You” (2001)

Rust zacht Angie

RIP Tawny Kitaen (1961 – 2021)

Tawny Kitaen was an American actress and model.

She first came to my attention as the lead to The Perils of Gwendoline in the Land of the Yik-Yak (1984).

Here I Go Again

To the world at large she is probably best-known for her parts in the Whitesnake videos, especially in the 1987 clip for the song “Here I Go Again” (1982). In that clip, she is seen cartwheeling across the hoods of two Jaguars XJ dressed in a white negligee.

RIP Daniel “songs of pain” Johnston (1961 – 2019)

“Urge” from Songs of Pain (1981).

Daniel Johnston was an American singer-songwriter regarded as a significant figure in outsiderlo-fi, and alternative music scenes.

Johnston’s cult status was propelled when Nirvana’s Kurt Cobain wore a T-shirt at the 1992 MTV music awards that featured artwork from Johnston’s 1983 album Hi, How Are You, a T-shirt that music journalist Everett True had given him. Cobain listed Yip/Jump Music as one of his favorite albums in his journal in 1993.

Much of Daniel Johnston’s music has focused on the subject of unrequited love, revolving around his own experiences with Laurie Johnson, an early obsession. Notably is “Urge” (above) on 1981’s Songs of Pain.

His work is collected on Songs in the Key of Z (2000), a collection of outsider music.