Category Archives: blogroll

Elsewhere #3

  1. Quick Study:

    The English translation of Anti-Oedipus appeared in 1977. By a total coincidence — one that is really not much of a coincidence at all — so did (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction

  2. DC’s: Insidetheroar presents … Funk Day

    * “Betty Davis is the funk,” says poet and rapper Saul Williams. “It’s not just that she’s sexy and the music is sexy, but she’s just so in the pocket! The notes she chose, the placement, to be able to dance around the music. Man, she killed that shit.”

  3. Pruned: Brodsky & Utkin

    For this slow, languorous Midwestern autumn Sunday, here are some Soviet Glasnost neoavant-garde paper architecture by Brodsky & Utkin.

  4. xupacabras: Hommage a Balthus

    Foto de Alexandre Maller

  5. Ein Hungerkünstler

    An Illustration for Kafka’s Ein Hungerkünstler (A Hunger Artist) by Andrzej Ploski, circa 1983,


It’s been a while since I reported on my befriended blogs’ activities. That’s because I forgot to use, with installed, you just bookmark all the worthwile posts you read, and after a while you copy-past the entries in your WordPress (or other blog).

Some recent favorites:

  1. DC’s on Thurston Moore

    Actually lots op posts on Moore, click on from this one

  2. DC’s: ‘Here Lies Pierre Molinier. This was a man without morality.’ *

    Dennis Cooper on Molinier

  3. The Laughing Bone: Dust is the signature of lost time.

  4. The Laughing Bone: Lachenden Knochen

  5. The Laughing Bone: Information Policy for the Library of Babel: One or More of Its Secret Tongues Does Not Hide a Terrible Significance

  6. Marcel Duchamp « >dmtls Merzbau

    Clip from Dadascope (1961), directed by Hans Richter, contains two poems by Marcel Duchamp. “Carte Postale” and “Puns”.

    Duchamp vs Venetian Snares (Szamar Madar). Duchamp’s cinema and mr. Funk’s breakbeats.

  7. Giornale Nuovo: Alberto Savinio

    From the brother of de Chirico

Introducing PCL Linkdump


Rahsaan Roland Kirk via PCL Linkdump

Of course I am well aware that, to most of you regular readers, PCL Linkdump is a well known destination; it’s just that I’ve never officially introduced them and give them the shout-out they deserve. PCL Linkdump is run by a team of contributors among which I particularly appreciate the work of Mr. Dante Fontana, who has just posted James Brown & Luciano Pavarotti – It’s A Man’s World in remembrance of Luciano Pavarotti (1935 – 2007).


Baudrillard, Alan Tex and Carlo Mollino

>dmtls Merzbau is back from a prolonged break.

I missed his writing as well as that of Ombres Blanches (who is unable to post at the moment). Another fave, Esotika, is posting very lightly these days. A recent interesting post by Esotika was on Hour of the Wolf by Bergman. Esotika’s film viewing habits have changed which prohibits him from writing more frequently. His film corpus is one of the more interesting ones on the web.

Introducing The World of Kane

The World of Kane (founded in 2005) is a pop culture blog I happened upon this morning while researching Robert Bonfils:

Anna Karina sings “Roller Girl

The World of Kane seems to be especially keen on French pop culture, his Serge Gainsbourg category testifies. His site is retro-futuristic. In his own words Will Kane says he”feels a nostalgia for an age yet to come,” best illustrated by his post on French designer Pierre Paulin (1927- ). Pierre Paulin is similar to Olivier Mourgue.

As a present to World of Kane:

Serge Gainsbourg-France Gall :: Dents de Lait/Dents de Loup

From the French tv show of 1967 directed by Maurice Dumay & Pierre Koralnik

Introducing Surreal Documents

Valter’s Surreal Documents is an excellent blog on subversive surrealism as professed by Georges Bataille and the Acéphale group. Recent subjects have included Alice Coltrane, Coffin Joe, books acquired and Nico. The blog can now be accessed from my blogroll.

I quote from the Acéphale post:

… the Jean Rollin who participated in this issue of “La Revue Acéphale” is of course not Jean Rollin, who was born in 1938 and couldn’t possibly have contributed any articles to this “La Revue Acéphale” (I just corrected the error in Wikipedia).

In fact, it was the filmmaker’s father who contributed to the publication. The father was also called Jean Rollin. Jean Rollin’s mother, Denise Rollin-Le Gentil, had an (extramarital) relationship with Georges Bataille from october 1939 to the end of 1943.

Tohill and Tombs’ “Immoral Tales. Sex & Horror Cinema In Europe 1956-1984” suggest that years later Jean Rollin (the filmmaker, that is), would remember the bedtime stories that Bataille told him, about ‘Monsieur le Curé’, a wolf dressed in the robes of a priest.

How I would like to have heard those stories!

More on Denise Rollin-Le Gentil:

On 2 October 1939, [Georges Bataille] meets Denise Rollin-Le Gentil, who is 32 and married with a young son, Jean. Surya writes, ‘She was beautiful, a beauty that would be described as melancholy if not taciturn. She spoke little or, for long periods not at all’. She joins him at his flat in October; thereafter, Bataille will spend time in her flat at 3 rue de Lille.

[In 1945, Maurice] Blanchot commences an apparently largely epistolatory affair with Denise Rollin, which will continue until her death in 1978.–Spurious and more at Google books.

From Surreal Documents’ first post which features a photograph by Boiffard and Valter’s manifesto:

This blog has been inspired by my visit to the exhibition “Undercover Surrealism” at the Hayward Gallery in London. The blog is intended to contain doctrines, fine arts, ethnography, variety. Expect dusty things, ethnographies of one-man-Cthulhu Cults, confused concepts, black and blackened musics, untruths.

Checking Valter’s blogroll (show me your blogroll and I will tell you who you are) you will find Jim Woodring, Monster Brains, the Wooster Collective, Esotika Erotica Psychotica, Giallo Fever, Groovy Age Of Horror, Mutant Sounds, Video Watchblog and the recent newcomer Ombres Blanches.

To conclude, some Coffin Joe:



Jan Jonston (Wikipedia)

Some good posts sitting in my favourites :

  1. The Laughing Bone on Diableries
  2. GmtPlus9 (-15)Jackie Mittoo’sChampion Of The Arena
  3. Scott McLemee on Robert ‘King Crimson’ Fripp with added Youtube clip.
  4. Marginalia reports on Jan Jonston’s fantastic beasts (also reproduced below).
  5. GmtPlus9 (-15)reports on jahsonic favourite French erotomaniacs Gilles Berquet and Mïrka Lugosi who are currently exhibiting at Air de Paris.
  6. Curt at Groovy Age of Horror picks up on my nobrow posts in a series of posts titled Horror, High and Low on the merits of genre fiction in which he refers to Freud’s primary and secondary ways of thinking. To be continued at this blog.

Illustration by Jan Jonston

Illustration by Jan Jonston

Illustration by Jan Jonston