Tag Archives: 1922
RIP William Knoles (1926 – 1972) and Robert Bonfils (1922 – 2018)

William Henley Knoles was an American writer known for such titles as Sadisto Royale (1966).
Robert Bonfils was an illustrator of pulp novels and he designed the cover of Sadisto Royale.
RIP Pierre Cardin (1922 – 2020)

Pierre Cardin was a French fashion designer, but for the moment all I can say of him is that from 2001 to 2020 he was the owner of the castle of Marquis de Sade depicted above.
RIP Carl Reiner (1922 – 2020)
Carl Reiner was an American comedian, actor, director, screenwriter, and publisher.
I have fond memories of the highly enjoyable films he directed starring Steve Martin in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
I think of The Jerk (1979), Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid (1982) and The Man with Two Brains (1983).
RIP Gershon ‘popcorn’ Kingsley (1922 – 2019)
Gershon Kingsley was a German-born composer and electronic musician known for his instrumental “Popcorn“.
That composition was released on the album Music to Moog By (1969).
The ‘Popcorn’ instrumental starts at 10:00.