Category Archives: juxtapoetry

Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928 – 2007)


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Superb juxtapoem of image-to-music by Youtuber Zapple 101

Does anyone know which Karlheinz Stockhausen piece is on the audio track?

Update: regarding my previous question, the piece is “Mikrophonie 0.1”, here is more from Mikrophonie. (Studie II, 1954)


Il Fiore delle mille e una notte/Arabian Nights (1974) – Pier Paolo Pasolini []

Comparing Antoine Galland‘s and Richard Burton‘s translations of The Book of One Thousand and One Nights, Jorge Luis Borges wrote:

“Another fact is undeniable. The most famous and eloquent encomiums of The Thousand and One Nights – by Coleridge, Thomas de Quincey, Stendhal, Tennyson, Edgar Allan Poe, Newman – are from readers of Galland’s translation. Two hundred years and ten better translations have passed, but the man in Europe or the Americas who thinks of the Thousand and One Nights thinks, invariably of this first translation. The Spanish adjective milyunanochesco [thousand-and-one-nights-esque] … has nothing to do with the erudite obscenities of Burton or Mardrus, and everything to do with Antoine Galland’s bijoux and sorceries.” –Jorge Luis Borges, “The Translators of The Thousand and One Nights

The image above is from the 1974 film adaptation by Pasolini. It laterally depicts a nude man and woman facing each other. The woman sits, legs apart; the man kneels in front of her and points a bow to her genital area. The tip of the arrow has a phallus attached.

It made me utter several moans

Bernini Saint Theresa

Ecstasy of St Theresa by Bernini

“In his hands I saw a long golden spear and at the end of the iron tip I seemed to see a point of fire. With this he seemed to pierce my heart several times so that it penetrated to my entrails. When he drew it out, I thought he was drawing them out with it and he left me completely afire with a great love for God. The pain was so sharp that it made me utter several moans; and so excessive was the sweetness caused me by the intense pain that one can never wish to lose it, nor will one’s soul be content with anything less than God.”


And gratis there she offered me

It is not four years ago,
I offered forty crowns
To lie with her a night or so:
She answered me in frowns.

Not two years since, she meeting me
Did whisper in my ear,
That she would at my service be,
If I contented were.

I told her I was cold as snow,
And had no great desire;
But should be well content to go
To twenty, but no higher.

Some three months since or thereabout,
She that so coy had been,
Bethought herself and found me out,
And was content to sin.

I smiled at that, and told her I
Did think it something late,
And that I’d not repentance buy
At above half the rate.

This present morning early she
Forsooth came to my bed,
And gratis there she offered me
Her high-prized maidenhead.

I told her that I thought it then
Far dearer than I did,
When I at first the forty crowns
For one night’s lodging bid.

It is not four years ago is a poem by John Suckling reminiscent of a scene in the 1969 film Coming Apart. The scene where a young pregnant mother visits the protagonist psychiatrist and offers herself. She asks “Is it worth fifty dollars to you?” And Rip Torn answers: “Baby, you’re worth a million dollars to me”. They then proceed without monetary exchange. Loved the film. The poem came by way of the Kronhausens book Pornography and the law: The psychology of erotic realism and pornography.

World cinema classics #2


Before Sunrise (United States, 1995)

I had forgotten about this film, a love story, not cheesy. Aside from walking and talking, not much happens. The film starts with Jesse meeting Celine on a train to Paris. Celine is reading a Georges Bataille anthology: Madame Edwarda, The Dead Man, Story of the Eye. Jesse has actor Klaus Kinski’s autobiography, All I Need Is Love. They strike a conversation. Jesse is going to Vienna whereas Celine is on her way to Paris after visiting her grandmother. When they reach Vienna, Jesse asks Celine to accompany him in Vienna.

Introducing Isabella Santacroce

Isabella Santacroce & Maria Callas, a Youtube mix by FactoryB0y.

Introducing Isabella Santacroce.

Andrej, thanks for the links. Loved your post about the Kyrous (did not realize there was a second brother). I’ve made a stub for Ariel. I was intrigued by his reference to Shaolin Soccer, the term sounded so familiarly unfamiliar to my ears (is the film any good?). I would like to review Le Surréalisme au cinéma in greater depth but would just as rather publish its CAPs and SIPs analysis (in the style of what I am doing for Film as a Subversive Art), if that were possible.

For Santacroce: tip of the hat to Jaklien Teuwen.

Here is a film based on the work of Santacroce:
