Tag Archives: EBM

RIP Gabi ‘D. A. F.’ Delgado-López (1958-2020)

“Der Mussolini” (1981)

This happened last week.

Gabi Delgado-López was a Spanish-born German musician, co-founder of Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft.

He is known for singing compositions such as “Der Mussolini” (1981). This song, together with “Los Niños del Parque” (1981) by Liaisons Dangereuses and “Numbers” (1981) by Kraftwerk put Germany on the map in black America and the dance music world.

If you listen to the full Alles ist gut album where “Der Mussolini” comes from, you cannot help but wonder if D.A.F. listened to Suicide. The sighing voice on “Mein Herz Macht Bum” would give them away.