Tag Archives: French cinema

RIP Édith “Eyes Without a Face” Scob (1937 – 2019)

Édith Scob was a French actress best-known for Eyes Without a Face (1959) in which she played a horribly disfigured young woman wearing a mask and whose dad, a surgeon, is going to provide her with a face transplant, an instance of the the mad doctor and new flesh plot.

In Holy Motors, Scob wears an near-identical mask.

Eyes Without a Face (1959), best scenes set to music by Aalborg Soundtracks

Holy Motors (2012), trailer

Summer Hours (2008), trailer

RIP Maurice Bénichou (1943 – 2019)

Maurice Bénichou was a French actor, best-known internationally for his part in Amélie. His other work includes three collaborations with director Michael Haneke (Code UnknownTime of the Wolf, and Caché). He has also played in Peter Brook’s 6 hour film version of The Mahabharata.

The death of Bénichou may be a good occasion to dive into the work of Haneke, one of the more interesting of contemporary directors.


Majid (Bénichou) committing suicide in Caché.

Bretodeau (Bénichou) receiving a phone call and his youth treasures in a box in Amélie.

Unnamed character (Bénichou) defending Binoche from sexual aggressors in Code Unknown.