Tag Archives: American cinema

RIP William Hurt (1950 – 2022)

William Hurt was an American actor known for his parts in Ken Russell’s drug epos Altered States (1980), the gay epic Kiss of the Spider Woman (1985), the cyberpunk classic Dark City (1998) and Cronenberg’s A History of Violence (2005).

Hurt’s death has made me curious about Dark City, which I should have seen already but I have not.

RIP Douglas Trumbull (1942 – 2022)

Brainstorm (1983), death trip, final scene

Silent Running (1972), opening prayer

Douglas Trumbull was an American film director known for directing films such as Silent Running (1972) and Brainstorm (1983).

He also did special effects on 2001: A Space OdysseyBlade Runner and The Tree of Life.

RIP Peter Bogdanovich (1939 – 2022)

Peter Bogdanovich was an American director and general film person.

To me, he is an integral part of the Roger Corman phenomenenon.

Of all his films, I have the fondest memories of Paper Moon, I remember the beginning of that film vividly.


Above, a documentary by a certain Adam Hulin.

Happy new year from us.