Tag Archives: United States

RIP Peter Lamborn Wilson (1945 – 2022)

T.A.Z. (1994)

Peter Lamborn Wilson (1945 – 2022), also known as Hakim Bey was an American anarchist author and poet, primarily known for his concept of Temporary Autonomous Zones, short-lived spaces which elude formal structures of control. He also coined the term pirate utopia, released books such as Immediatism (1994) and recorded with Bill Laswell on the album T.A.Z. (1994).

RIP Douglas Trumbull (1942 – 2022)

Brainstorm (1983), death trip, final scene

Silent Running (1972), opening prayer

Douglas Trumbull was an American film director known for directing films such as Silent Running (1972) and Brainstorm (1983).

He also did special effects on 2001: A Space OdysseyBlade Runner and The Tree of Life.